
Material Classification
Recommended by the Railway Storekeepers' Association
Release Date: 2018-05-16
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 230

Handbook of Railroad Construction; For the use of American engineers.
Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States.
Author: Vose George L. (George Leonard)
Release Date: 2018-03-06
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 372
![Business Administration_ Theory, Practice and Application. [Vol. 1] Business Economics](https://xp4stm90bvzr.frontroute.org/s15/books/no-cover.jpg)
Business Administration_ Theory, Practice and Application. [Vol. 1] Business Economics
Category: Business / Accounting / Investments / Railroads / Selling / Commercial law / Commerce / Banks and banking / Insurance / Economics / Advertising
Release Date: 2017-11-21
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 416

Trains at Work

Railroad Reorganization

The Speculations of John Steele

The American Railway_ Its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances
Category: Railroads
Author: Clarke Thomas Curtis
Release Date: 2017-03-18
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 355

Die Welt auf Schienen
Eine Darstellung der Einrichtungen und des Betriebs auf den Eisenbahnen des Fernverkehrs, Nebst einer Geschichte der Eisenbahn

Motor Matt's Mariner; or, Filling the Bill for Bunce