Oration on the Life and Character of Henry Winter Davis
Title: Oration on the Life and Character of Henry Winter Davis
Release Date: 2007-07-16
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 354
Arguments before the Committee on Patents of the House of Representatives, on H. R. 11943, to Amend Title 60, Chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to Copyrights
May 2, 1906.
The Slavery Question
Speech of Hon. John M. Landrum, of La., Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 27, 1860
From Farm House to the White House
The life of George Washington, his boyhood, youth, manhood,
public and private life and services
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William H. F. Lee (A Representative from Virginia)
Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate,
Fifty-Second Congress, First Session
History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, by the House of Representatives, and his trial by the Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, 1868