Medica Sacra Or, A Commentary on the Most Remarkable Diseases Mentioned in the Holy Scriptures
Author: Mead Richard
Title: Medica Sacra
Or, A Commentary on the Most Remarkable Diseases Mentioned in the Holy Scriptures
Release Date: 2010-02-07
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 163
An Account of the Sore Throat Attended With Ulcers
A Disease Which Hath of Late Years Appeared in This City, and in Several Parts of the Nation
The Sanitary Condition of the Poor in Relation to Disease, Poverty, and Crime
With an appendix on the control and prevention of infectious diseases
Every Man His Own Doctor
The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction-Cure, as Applicable to Every Disease to Which the Human Frame Is Subject, and Also to the Cure of Disease in Horses and Cattle
Popular Lectures on Zoonomia
Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
Disease and Its Causes