How She Felt in Her First Corset, and Other Poems
Category: American poetry
Author: Alderson Matthew W.
Title: How She Felt in Her First Corset, and Other Poems
Release Date: 2011-03-30
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 195
Life and marvelous adventures of Wild Bill, the Scout
being a true an exact history of all the sanguinary combats and hair-breadth escapes of the most famous scout and spy America ever produced.
Self-Instructor in the Art of Hair Work, Dressing Hair, Making Curls, Switches, Braids, and Hair Jewelry of Every Description.
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The Underground Railroad
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Author.
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