Violins and Violin Makers Biographical Dictionary of the Great Italian Artistes, their Followers and Imitators, to the present time. With Essays on Important Subjects Connected with the Violin.
Author: Pearce Joseph
Title: Violins and Violin Makers
Biographical Dictionary of the Great Italian Artistes, their Followers and Imitators, to the present time. With Essays on Important Subjects Connected with the Violin.
Release Date: 2011-09-04
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 220
The Violin and Old Violin Makers
Being a Historical & Biographical Account of the Violin, with Facsimiles of Labels of the Old Makers
The Violin
Some Account of That Leading Instrument and Its Most Eminent Professors, from Its Earliest Date to the Present Time; with Hints to Amateurs, Anecdotes, etc.
The First Violin
A Novel
The Violin
Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
The Second Violin