An Address to Men of Science Calling Upon Them to Stand Forward and Vindicate the Truth....
Author: Carlile Richard
Title: An Address to Men of Science
Calling Upon Them to Stand Forward and Vindicate the Truth....
Release Date: 2011-12-22
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 143
A Letter to Sir Samuel Shepherd, Knt., His Majesty's Attorney General
Upon the Subject of His Prosecutions of Richard Carlile, for Publishing Paine's Age of Reason
The Battle of The Press
As Told in the Story of the Life of Richard Carlile by His Daughter, Theophila Carlile Campbell
Considerations on Religion and Public Education
With remarks on the speech of M. Dupont delivered in the National Convention of France, together with an address to the ladies, &c. of Great Britain and Ireland
Two Addresses
One, to the Gentlemen of Whitby, Who Signed the Requisition, Calling a Meeting to Address the Queen, on the Late (So Called) Aggression of the Pope_ and the Other, to the Protestant Clergy
An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to Those Respectable Personages in Great-Britain and Ireland, Who, by Their Great and Permanent Interest in Landed Property, Their Liberal Education, Elevated Rank, and Enlarged Views, Are the Ablest to Judge, and the