Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 240 Contributions From the Museum of History and Technology Papers 34-44 on Science and Technology
Title: Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 240
Contributions From the Museum of History and Technology
Papers 34-44 on Science and Technology
Release Date: 2012-09-17
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 325
The Art of Graining_ How Acquired and How Produced.
With the description of colors and their applications.
Art Principles with Special Reference to Painting
Together with Notes on the Illusions Produced by the Painter
Development of the Phonograph at Alexander Graham Bell's Volta Laboratory
Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology, United States National Museum Bulletin 218, Paper 5, (pages 69-79)
The Practical Distiller
An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, &c. &c. of Better Quality, and in Larger Quantities, than Produced by the Present Mode of Distilling, from the Produce of the United States
The Story of the Invention of Steel Pens
With a Description of the Manufacturing Process by Which They Are Produced