Ninth annual report of the St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, Church of England District Visiting Society with some account of the different societies subordinate or affiliated to it
Author: Anonymous
Title: Ninth annual report of the St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, Church of England District Visiting Society
with some account of the different societies subordinate or affiliated to it
Release Date: 2013-08-13
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 308
Lightning Rod Conference
Report of the delegates from the following societies, viz_
Meteorlogical Society, and others.
Ethnological results of the Point Barrow expedition
Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-1888, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1892, pages 3-442
Second Annual Report of the Kensington Church of England District Visiting Society (1846)
Third Annual Report of the Kensington Parochial Institute
Report of the Several Works Connected with the Draining, Paving & Lighting the Parish of Saint Mary Abbotts, Kensington, 1856