The Blight of Respectability An Anatomy of the Disease and a Theory of Curative Treatment
Author: Mortimer Geoffrey
Title: The Blight of Respectability
An Anatomy of the Disease and a Theory of Curative Treatment
Release Date: 2015-06-23
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 152
Anatomy and Embalming
A Treatise on the Science and Art of Embalming, the Latest and Most Successful Methods of Treatment and the General Anatomy Relating to this Subject
The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity
Considered from the Standpoint of Development and Comparative Anatomy
Every Man His Own Doctor
The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction-Cure, as Applicable to Every Disease to Which the Human Frame Is Subject, and Also to the Cure of Disease in Horses and Cattle
The Treatment of Hay Fever by rosin-weed, ichthyol and faradic electricity
With a discussion of the old theory of gout and the new theory of anaphylaxis
Including the History of the Use of Mental Influence, Directly and Indirectly, in Healing and the Principles for the Application of Energies Derived from the Mind to the Treatment of Disease