The Captain of the Guard
Author: Grant James
Title: The Captain of the Guard
Release Date: 2016-05-16
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 183
Right Guard Grant
Record of Medals of Honor issued to the officers and enlisted men of the United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, 1862-1923
The Royal Life Guard; or, the flight of the royal family.
A historical romance of the suppression of the French monarchy
History of the DeWitt guard, company A, 50th regiment National guard, state of New York
Virginia: the Old Dominion
As seen from its colonial waterway, the historic river James, whose every succeeding turn reveals country replete with monuments and scenes recalling the march of history and its figures from the days of Captain John Smith to t