Imperfectly Proper
Author: Donovan Peter
Title: Imperfectly Proper
Release Date: 2016-06-29
Type book: Text
Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 268
Linotype Manual
Giving Detailed Instructions of the Proper Adjustment and Care of the Linotype
The Reason Why
A Careful Collection of Many Hundreds of Reasons for Things Which, Though Generally Believed, Are Imperfectly Understood
The Proper Limits of the Government's Interference with the Affairs of the East-India Company
Attempted to be Assigned with some few Reflections Extorted by, and on, the Distracted State of the Times
Vice in its Proper Shape
Or, The Wonderful and Melancholy Transformation of Several
Naughty Masters and Misses Into Those Contemptible Animals
Which They Most Resemble In Disposition.
The Spirit Proper to the Times
A Sermon preached in King's Chapel, Boston, Sunday, May 12, 1861