
Eccentricities of the Animal Creation.

Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times
Regal, Noble, Gentilitial, and Miscellaneous_ Including Authentic Anecdotes of the Royal Household, and the Manners and Customs of the Court, at an Early Period of the English History

500 of the Best Cockney War Stories

The Book of Cats
A Chit-chat Chronicle of Feline Facts and Fancies, Legendary, Lyrical, Medical, Mirthful and Miscellaneous
Author: Ross Charles H. (Charles Henry)
Release Date: 2013-09-21
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 199

Cats: Their Points and Characteristics
With Curiosities of Cat Life, and a Chapter on Feline Ailments

Jiglets: A series of sidesplitting gyrations reeled off—

Mr. Punch's Book of Sport
The Humour of Cricket, Football, Tennis, Polo, Croquet, Hockey, Racing, &c

Historic Adventures_ Tales from American History

The Spirit of the Links