Columbia River

History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. II
To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean.
Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.

The River Motor Boat Boys on the Columbia; Or, The Confession of a Photograph

The Pioneer Boys of the Columbia; or, In the Wilderness of the Great Northwest

The Guardians of the Columbia
Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens
Author: Williams John H. (John Harvey)
Release Date: 2013-06-08
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 257

The Columbia River_ Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery, Its Commerce

Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the Rivers

Down the Columbia
Author: Freeman Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome)
Release Date: 2011-12-09
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 294

History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I.
To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean.
Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.

The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806