
Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies
Authentic History of the World Renowned Vendettas of the Dark and Bloody Ground
Author: Mutzenberg Charles Gustavus
Release Date: 2014-10-26
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 298

Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, tome 2/8
Recueil des événements les plus tragiques;...
Release Date: 2014-10-21
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 190

Mysteries of Police and Crime, Vol. 1 (of 3)

Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, tome 1/8
Recueil des événements les plus tragiques;...
Release Date: 2014-08-25
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 187

The Chronicles of Crime or The New Newgate Calendar. v. 2/2
being a series of memoirs and anecdotes of notorious characters who have outraged the laws of Great Britain from the earliest period to 1841

The Chronicles of Crime or The New Newgate Calendar. v. 1/2
being a series of memoirs and anecdotes of notorious characters who have outraged the laws of Great Britain from the earliest period to 1841.

The Seven Curses of London
Category: London (England) / Social conditions / Moral conditions / Crime / England / London / History
Author: Greenwood James
Release Date: 2014-05-05
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 292

Uncle Sam, Detective

Agent Nine and the Jewel Mystery_ A Story of Thrilling Exploits of the "G" Men
Category: Crime
Author: Dean Graham M.
Release Date: 2014-01-29
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 271

Agent Nine Solves His First Case_ A Story of the Daring Exploits of the "G" Men