Description and travel
Romantic Canada
A Year in a Yawl
A True Tale of the Adventures of Four Boys in a Thirty-foot Yawl
Category: Seafaring life / Sailing / Yachting / Florida / Description and travel / Sailing ships / Yachts
Author: Doubleday Russell
Release Date: 2018-03-20
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 262
Midnight Sunbeams; or, Bits of Travel Through the Land of the Norseman
North Italian Folk_ Sketches of Town and Country Life
Author: Carr Alice Vansittart Strettel
Release Date: 2018-03-17
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 436
Dick Lester of Kurrajong
Vagabonding down the Andes
Being the Narrative of a Journey, Chiefly Afoot, from Panama to Buenos Aires
Life in the Soudan
Adventures Amongst the Tribes, and Travels in Egypt, in 1881 and 1882
Quaint Korea
In het Hol van den Leeuw_ Reisschetsen uit Sovjet-Rusland
Au pays russe