Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources
Including Phrases, Mottoes, Maxims, Proverbs, Definitions, Aphorisms, and Sayings of Wise Men, in Their Bearing on Life, Literature, Speculation, Science, Art, Religion, and Mo
Essais d'un dictionnaire universel
contenant généralement tous les mots François tant vieux que modernes, & les termes de toutes les Sciences & des Arts
A Dictionary of Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words
Used at the Present Day in the Streets of London; the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; the Houses of Parliament; the Dens of St. Giles; and the Palaces of St. James.
Category: Cambridge (England) / Languages / Dictionaries / English language / England / London / Slang / London (England) / Cant / Oxford (England) / Dialects / Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Author: Hotten John Camden
Release Date: 2014-10-02
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 278
Palmer's Journal of Travels Over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines
containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice
Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary
Release Date: 2013-12-18
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 354
Dictionnaire de nos fautes contre la langue française
The Cynic's Word Book
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described
Adapted to Private Schools, High Schools and Academies
The Slang Dictionary_ Etymological, Historical and Andecdotal
Category: English language / Dialects / England / London / Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. / Slang / Dictionaries / London (England) / Languages
Author: Hotten John Camden
Release Date: 2013-02-16
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 427