Dinners and dining

Cakes & Ale
A Dissertation on Banquets Interspersed with Various Recipes, More or Less Original, and anecdotes, mainly veracious

The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus
Category: Homosexuality / Greece / Dinners and dining / Civilization, Greco-Roman / Social life and customs
Author: Athenaeus of Naucratis
Release Date: 2011-07-31
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 285

White House China of the Lincoln Administration in the Museum of History and Technology

Mr. Punch's After-Dinner Stories

Dinners and Luncheons_ Novel Suggestions for Social Occasions

Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners_ A Book of Recipes

The Entertaining History of Jobson & Nell

The Gourmet's Guide to Europe