Money (L'Argent)
The Conquest of Plassans (La Conquête de Plassans)
Category: Priests / France / Fiction / History / Clergy / Insanity (Law) / Christian life / Confessors / Psychiatric hospitals / Social life and customs
Author: Zola Émile
Release Date: 2018-03-27
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 394
La vérité en marche_ L'affaire Dreyfus
The Soil (La terre): A Realistic Novel
His Excellency [Son Exc. Eugène Rougon]
La Guerre des Boutons_ Roman de ma douzième année
The Memoirs of Maria Stella (Lady Newborough)
Release Date: 2018-02-25
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 284
The Friends of Voltaire
"Monsieur Henri": A Foot-Note to French History
Monsoreaun kreivitär II_ Historiallinen romaani