Great Britain. Parliament

The Regulating Silver Coin, Made Practicable and Easie, to the Government and Subject

A History of Parliamentary Elections and Electioneering in the Old Days
Showing the State of Political Parties and Party Warfare at the Hustings and in the House of Commons from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria

The Growth of Parliament and the War with Scotland (1216-1307)
Release Date: 2015-12-30
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 295

A Proclamation Declaring His Maiesties Pleasure Concerning the Dissoluing of the Present Conuention of Parliament

The Mother of Parliaments

M. P.'s in Session_ From Mr. Punch's Parliamentary Portrait Gallery
Category: Great Britain. Parliament / Biography / Portraits / Caricatures and cartoons / Great Britain / Politics and government
Author: Furniss Harry
Release Date: 2009-08-01
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 247