Himalaya Mountains
Climbing on the Himalaya and Other Mountain Ranges
Kashmir, described by Sir Francis Younghusband, painted by Major E. Molyneux
Author: Younghusband Francis Edward Sir
Release Date: 2012-05-07
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 307
The Plant Hunters_ Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
The Heart of Nature; or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
Author: Younghusband Francis Edward Sir
Release Date: 2008-11-09
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 262
The Cliff Climbers
A Sequel to "The Plant Hunters"
Category: Brothers / Adventure and adventurers / Survival skills / Botanists / Hunting / East Indians / Himalaya Mountains
Author: Reid Mayne
Release Date: 2007-04-27
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 240
Himalayan Journals — Volume 1
Or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, etc.
Himalayan Journals — Volume 2
Or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, etc.
Himalayan Journals — Complete
Or, Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, etc.