Latin drama (Comedy)
Prefaces to Terence's Comedies and Plautus's Comedies (1694)
Category: Theater / Rome / Greece / In literature / Latin drama (Comedy) / Greek influences / Plautus, Titus Maccius / Criticism and interpretation / History and criticism / History / Terence
Author: Echard Lawrence
Release Date: 2009-08-13
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 359
The Comedies of Terence
The Comedies of Terence
Literally Translated into English Prose, with Notes
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi
Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two
Bacchises, The Captives
The Captivi and the Mostellaria