Music and Some Highly Musical People
Vom Musikalisch-Schönen
Ein Beitrag zur Revision der Ästhetik der Tonkunst
Mémoires de Hector Berlioz
comprenant ses voyages en Italie, en Allemagne, en Russie et en Angleterre, 1803-1865
Category: Autobiographies / England / Description and travel / Italy / Composers / France / Biography / Music / History and criticism / Germany / Russia
Author: Berlioz Hector
Release Date: 2008-08-20
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 254
The Merry-Go-Round
Indian Story and Song, from North America
Release Date: 2008-04-23
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 254
The Case of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
Author: Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm
Release Date: 2008-04-07
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 468
Entwurf einer neuen Ästhetik der Tonkunst
The Pianolist_ A Guide for Pianola Players
Contemporary American Composers
Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present
Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and
Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an
Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
The Liberty Minstrel