New York (State)

A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 1
Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe
Category: English literature / First editions / Bibliography / Catalogs / Rare books / New York (State) / New York / Private libraries / American literature
Release Date: 2011-02-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 226

A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 2
Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe
Category: English literature / First editions / Bibliography / Catalogs / American literature / Rare books / New York (State) / New York / Private libraries
Release Date: 2011-02-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 208

A Catalogue of Books in English Later than 1700, Vol. 3
Forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe
Category: English literature / Bibliography / Rare books / New York (State) / New York / Catalogs / First editions / Private libraries / American literature
Release Date: 2011-02-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 235

Dutch and English on the Hudson_ A Chronicle of Colonial New York

The Chainbearer; Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts

The German Pioneers_ A Tale of the Mohawk

Village Life in America 1852-1872, Including the Period of the American Civil War
As Told in the Diary of a School-Girl
Author: Richards Caroline Cowles
Release Date: 2010-09-18
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 313

The Death-Blow to Spiritualism_ Being the True Story of the Fox Sisters

The Dangerous Classes of New York, and Twenty Years' Work Among Them

Lost Man's Lane_ A Second Episode in the Life of Amelia Butterworth