
Illogical Geology, the Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory
Illogical Geology, the Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory
Release Date: 2013-02-07
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 173
De Re Metallica, Translated from the First Latin Edition of 1556
De Re Metallica, Translated from the First Latin Edition of 1556
Release Date: 2011-11-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 284
Animals of the Past
Animals of the Past
Category: Paleontology
Release Date: 2011-11-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 204
The Chain of Life in Geological Time
A Sketch of the Origin and Succession of Animals and Plants
Remarks on some fossil impressions in the sandstone rocks of Connecticut River
Remarks on some fossil impressions in the sandstone rocks of Connecticut River
Category: Paleontology
Release Date: 2010-10-11
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 198
The Geological Story of the Isle of Wight
The Geological Story of the Isle of Wight
Release Date: 2010-10-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 304
Pleistocene Soricidae from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Pleistocene Soricidae from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Release Date: 2010-04-30
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 210
A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas
A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas
Release Date: 2010-01-23
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 211
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