Political science

The Prince

What Does History Teach?
Two Edinburgh Lectures

The Republic of Plato

Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 4 (of 15)

The republic of Cicero
Translated from the Latin; and Accompanied With a Critical and Historical Introduction.

Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 3 of 3
Library Edition (1891), Containing Seven Essays not before Republished, and Various other Additions.

Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 3 (of 15)

Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta, eli, Valtio-oikeuden johtavat aatteet

Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 2 (of 15)