San Francisco (Calif.)

The Picaroons

The Apple of Discord

Subject to Change

Bridge Crossing

The Young Vigilantes_ A Story of California Life in the Fifties
Category: Conduct of life / Truthfulness and falsehood / San Francisco (Calif.) / History / Youth / Voyages and travels / Boston (Mass.) / Voyages to the Pacific coast / Sailors / Friendship / Adventure stories / California
Author: Drake Samuel Adams
Release Date: 2015-12-08
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 408

The Heart Line_ A Drama of San Francisco

Martin Eden_ Romaani

The Slave of the Mine; or, Jack Harkaway in 'Frisco

An American Hobo in Europe
A True Narrative of the Adventures of a Poor American at Home and in the Old Country
Category: Tramps / Glasgow (Scotland) / Description and travel / San Francisco (Calif.) / New York (N.Y.) / Voyages and travels / Ocean travel
Author: Goodkind Ben
Release Date: 2014-04-02
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 255

"The System," As Uncovered by the San Francisco Graft Prosecution
Category: Political corruption / California / San Francisco / San Francisco (Calif.) / Politics and government
Author: Hichborn Franklin
Release Date: 2013-07-06
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 453