Secret service

The German Spy System from Within

British Secret Service During the Great War

Sant of the Secret Service_ Some Revelations of Spies and Spying

The Red Room

The Radio Boys on Secret Service Duty

Nurse and Spy in the Union Army
The Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-Fields
Category: History / Personal narratives / Women soldiers / Biography / Medical care / Participation, Female / Nurses / Hospitals / Secret service
Release Date: 2012-01-05
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 324

On Secret Service
Detective-Mystery Stories Based on Real Cases Solved by Government Agents

The Spy of the Rebellion
Being a True History of the Spy System of the United States Army during the Late Rebellion

The Boy Spy
A substantially true record of secret service during the war of the rebellion, a correct account of events witnessed by a soldier

John Dene of Toronto_ A Comedy of Whitehall