Cicero: Letters to Atticus, Vol. 3 of 3
The life of Midhat Pasha; a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murder
Cicero: Letters to Atticus, Vol. 2 of 3
The Story of Wellington
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3 [of 3]
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1 [of 3]
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 2 [of 3]
Ten Tudor Statesmen
Author: Innes Arthur D. (Arthur Donald)
Release Date: 2015-01-24
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 163
Peter Parley's Visit to London, During the Coronation of Queen Victoria
Category: Coronations / Adventure stories / Storytelling / Queens / Voyages and travels / Statesmen / Wealth
Release Date: 2013-10-22
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 325
British Political Leaders