Suomalaisen teatterin historia 3
Nousuaika, 1879-93.
Suomalaisen teatterin historia 2
Puhenäyttämön alkuvuodet ja suomalainen ooppera. 1872-79
Suomalaisen teatterin historia 1
Teatterin esihistoria ja perustaminen
Teatro Futurista Sintetico
Theatrical and Circus Life
or, Secrets of the Stage, Green-Room and Sawdust Arena
Author: Jennings John J. (John Joseph)
Release Date: 2015-07-24
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 178
Trelawny of The "Wells": A Comedietta in Four Acts
Category: Actresses / Drama / Married people / Theater / England / History / English drama / Comedies
Author: Pinero Arthur Wing
Release Date: 2014-12-06
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 298
"Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage (Volume 1 of 3)
"Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage (Volume 2 of 3)
"Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage (Volume 3 of 3)
A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneness of the English Stage
Together with the Sense of Antiquity on this Argument