
The Human Slaughter-House: Scenes from the War that is Sure to Come

Erasmus Against War
Category: War
Author: Erasmus Desiderius
Release Date: 2012-04-20
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 283

The Great Illusion
A Study of the Relation of Military Power to National Advantage

Harry Milvaine; Or, The Wanderings of a Wayward Boy
Category: Adventure and adventurers / Justice / Surgeons / Children / Conduct of life / Natural history / Voyages and travels / War / Seafaring life / Sailors / Kings and rulers
Author: Stables Gordon
Release Date: 2011-09-06
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 347

The Lost Heir
Category: Murder / Nurses / Children / Conduct of life / Impostors and imposture / Youth / War / India / Forgers / Voyages and travels / Inheritance and succession / Wills / Diligence / Success / Kidnapping / England / Fiction / Courage / Adventure and adventurers
Author: Henty G. A. (George Alfred)
Release Date: 2011-08-05
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 319

Grundgedanken über Krieg und Kriegführung

War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ

Reflections on War and Death

The Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain
Nineteenth Century Europe

Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association
Release Date: 2009-10-01
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 199