The Admirable Lady Biddy Fane
Her Surprising Curious Adventures In Strange Parts & Happy Deliverance From Pirates, Battle, Captivity, & Other Terrors; Together With Divers Romantic & Moving Accidents As Set Forth By Benet Pengilly (Her Companion In Misfo

A Set of Rogues
Namely Christopher Sutton, John Dawson, the Señor Don Sanchez Del Castillo De Castelaña and Moll Dawson; Their Wicked Conspiracy, and a True Account of Their Travels and Adventures
Category: Adventure and adventurers / Fiction / Pirates / Impostors and imposture / Rogues and vagabonds / Great Britain / History
Author: Barrett Frank
Release Date: 2004-01-01
Date added: 25 March 2019
Count views: 240