The Apothecary in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg
Being an Account of his medical and chirurgical Services, as well as of his trade Practices as a Chymist

The Leatherworker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg
Being an Account of the Nature of Leather, & of the Crafts Commonly Engaged in the Making & Using of It.

The Silversmith in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg
An Account of His Life & Times, & of His Craft
Category: Virginia
Author: Ford Thomas K.
Release Date: 2018-10-10
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 222

The Miller in Eighteenth-Century Virginia
An Account of Mills & the Craft of Milling, as Well as a Description of the Windmill near the Palace in Williamsburg

The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg
An Account of His Life & Times, & of His Craft