A Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies.
2nd ed.

Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, Vol. 1 (of 3)
With Tales and Miscellanies Now First Collected

Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, Vol. 2 (of 3)
With Tales and Miscellanies Now First Collected

Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, Vol. 3 (of 3)
With Tales and Miscellanies Now First Collected

The Romance of Biography (Vol 2 of 2)
or Memoirs of Women Loved and Celebrated by Poets, from the Days of the Troubadours to the Present Age. 3rd ed. 2 Vols.
Category: Women in literature
Author: Jameson Mrs. (Anna)
Release Date: 2011-02-27
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 217

The Romance of Biography (Vol 1 of 2)
or Memoirs of Women Loved and Celebrated by Poets, from the Days of the Troubadours to the Present Age. 3rd ed. 2 Vols.
Category: Women in literature
Author: Jameson Mrs. (Anna)
Release Date: 2011-02-24
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 227

Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men

Characteristics of Women_ Moral, Poetical, and Historical

The Diary of an Ennuyée

Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts