
Hartmann, the Anarchist; Or, The Doom of the Great City
The Luck of the Dudley Grahams
As Related in Extracts from Elizabeth Graham's Diary
The Luck of the Dudley Grahams As Related in Extracts from Elizabeth Graham's Diary
Release Date: 2018-06-10
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 271
From Zone to Zone
Or, The Wonderful Trip of Frank Reade, Jr., with His Latest Air-Ship
Air Monster
Air Monster
Release Date: 2017-11-14
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 374
The Transient Lake; or, Frank Reade, Jr.'s Adventures in a Mysterious Country
Frank Reade, Jr., Fighting the Terror of the Coast
Frank Reade, Jr., Fighting the Terror of the Coast
Release Date: 2017-08-17
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 426
Balloons, Airships, and Flying Machines
Balloons, Airships, and Flying Machines
Release Date: 2017-05-27
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 333
Frank Reade Jr. and His Engine of the Clouds
Or, Chased Around the World in the Sky
Frank Reade Jr.'s Air Wonder, The "Kite"; Or, A Six Weeks' Flight Over the Andes
The Boy Inventors' Flying Ship
The Boy Inventors' Flying Ship
Category: Airships / Inventors
Release Date: 2016-12-11
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 307
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