
Stories from the Operas
Stories from the Operas
Release Date: 2018-01-01
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 336
Le Coq d'Or (The Golden Cock): An Opera in Three Acts
Le Coq d'Or (The Golden Cock): An Opera in Three Acts
Category: Operas / Librettos
Author: FR Théâtre
Release Date: 2017-08-24
Date added: 27 March 2019
Count views: 298
La Tétralogie de l'Anneau du Nibelung
La Tétralogie de l'Anneau du Nibelung
Category: Operas / Librettos
Release Date: 2015-09-15
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 790
Ran: En dramatisk dikt
Ran: En dramatisk dikt
Category: Operas / Librettos
Release Date: 2015-09-10
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 283
Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods
The Ring of the Niblung, part 2
Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods The Ring of the Niblung, part 2
Category: Operas / Librettos
Release Date: 2015-07-22
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 207
The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie
The Ring of the Niblung, part 1
The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie The Ring of the Niblung, part 1
Category: Operas / Librettos
Release Date: 2015-02-09
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 205
Rustic Chivalry (Cavalleria Rusticana): Melodrama in One Act
Rustic Chivalry (Cavalleria Rusticana): Melodrama in One Act
Category: Operas / Librettos
Author: IT Musica
Release Date: 2015-01-17
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 275
Stories from Wagner
Stories from Wagner
Release Date: 2015-03-14
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 309
The Valkyries
The Valkyries
Release Date: 2014-06-28
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 294
Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts
Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts
Category: Drama / Operas / Librettos
Release Date: 2014-05-28
Date added: 26 March 2019
Count views: 317
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